If you sit down with an attorney about your case, most experienced attorneys will know within a matter of minutes whether you have a case or not and yet you still may be taken through an emotional roller coaster as you deal with the opposition. If you and the opposition address your case with a legal mediator who has the same legal background, your case will be driven by more common sense and less emotion than if you are poised for a legal battle. The outcome can often be in both parties favoe as well. You spend less time and less on legal fees and you end up at a result that you probably would have achieved anyway.
According to the U.S. Department of Justice statistics, alternative dispute resolution had a 75% resolution success rate when entered voluntarily by the parties. In these cases, over $70 million in discovery and litigation expenses were saved in addition to 2,700 plus months of litigation avoided.
*This data has been updated on July 24th, 2020 based on detailed case reports submitted by lead counsel in all cases in which a private neutral conducted an ADR process in Department of Justice litigation across the United States.